Saturday, October 19, 2019

The European Union Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

The European Union - Research Paper Example In these trade affairs, the six nations involved were not exposed to tariffs and quotas and hence this encouraged the trade. As time passed, the six countries involved in the trade formed an economic union. This treaty of Paris encouraged the formation of an executive council, a common assembly and a court of justice. This group of administrative bodies was limited in terms of the powers it wielded but it promoted the organization and of the European industry (Smith 26). The treaty of Paris hence laid the foundation for the formation of a stable and prosperous unified Europe. More treaties were later signed and this promoted the trade between the six countries involved as the treaties increased cooperation. The treaties that came after the formation of the treaty of Paris were called the Rome treaties and paved the way for the creation of the European Economic Community and the EURATOM. The reason for the creation of EURATOM was to allow for the usage of atomic energy in a manner tha t promoted peace. In the year 1968 after the ratification of the Merger Treaty, the European Economic Community was transformed into the European community. Development of the Union As time passed, the European community continued to assert it authority throughout Europe. At a time around 1970, the European Community had already strengthened its authority in the economies of the nations who were already in European community. Growth in the European community is evident whereby the European court of auditors was formed at a place called Luxemburg in the year 1977. The establishment of the European monetary system two years later in the year 1977 later followed this change. The two newly established organizations as part of the European community were responsible for the regulating the currencies within the member countries. They also controlled and regulated the budgets of these member countries (Merino 46). In the year 1986, the member countries in the European community had increas ed to twelve in number. Thereafter, there was the formation of the single European act. The creation of this act ensured the total and ultimate integration of the economies and that all the policies among all member nations were standardized especially on issues concerning the environment, employment and health. Among the greatest breakthroughs of the European community was the breaking down of the Berlin wall in the year 1989. This event took place in the beginning of the termination of communism in what was known as the Warsaw pact of nations (Jackson, Keller and Flood 870). The European community provided financial support to member countries that had been new acquisitions in community. This economic aid motivated nations to put effort towards creating a more stable and unified Europe by promoting international cooperation. In the year 1990, legislations and discussions led to the creation of the new European Union. The adoption of a new name also carried along some changes. Euro pean Coal and Steel Community In Europe, the European Coal and Steel Community were established under a six-nation alliance as an international organization. The ECSC Treaty was signd in 1951, in Paris and the founding members were France, the Benelux countries, Italy and Germany that came together as one community. The main purpose of the formation of this organization was the fact that it served the purpose of unifying

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